Automatic Announced Cigarette Smoke Detection and Alarm System
Cigarette smoke detectors are detected, the announcement is activated automatically. '' Smoking is prohibited. Extinguish the cigarette safely, Ventilate, Leave the area ''
The secluded areas of the enterprises, warehouses, fire escapes, wc and locker rooms are among the areas where smoking bans are violated. The use of cigarettes in these areas will pose a risk. We offer solutions that detect the smoke of all products containing tobacco and alarm detector solutions.
First of all, let's answer the question "Does the smoke detection detector make a cigarette?" Due to the detector structure of the smoke detector, it will not detect until the environment, which is called as under smoke, occurs. The solution for fast and early cigarette smoke detection is cigarette - tobacco smoke detection and alarm detector. You can minimize your risks with our tobacco and cigarette smoke detection solutions that help control health and fire risks and workforce losses caused by non-compliance with tobacco use ban in businesses.
"Tobacco and cigarette smoke detection" No Smoking "," Anti Tobacco "Detectors are especially sensitive to cigarette and tobacco smoke.
We integrate cigarette smoke detectors to ensure the detection in the area where it will be used in our product, which has its own announcement feature. If any of the detectors connected to the device detects in the area where it is located, the recorded announcement on it '' smoking is prohibited in this area. Extinguish the cigarette safely, Ventilate, Leave the area '' will be activated.
Product General Features
Plug and play
Optical tobacco smoke detection technology
• High sensitivity to tobacco smoke
• Warning announcement or siren can be loaded.
Up to 20 tobacco detectors can be linked together
• Continuous operation with backup battery
Guaranteed and high quality products and stable operation
Usage areas
Factories, industrial facilities, workshops
• Flammable Flammable material facilities
Hotel, hostel and student dormitories
WC and changing cabins
Textile industry manufacturing and storage areas
• Early and effective cigarette tobacco smoke detection
Integration with existing brand-independent alarm systems
• Wired and wireless detector options
You can get support from Platinum Technology experts for cigarette and tobacco smoke detection solutions.